I Define Success: Daniel Sailor

daniel-web.png“I came to Ivy Tech because I wanted to have some hands-on experience…”

Daniel Sailor is getting a head start on his success. A full-time high school student, Daniel is also a student in the Machine Tool Technology program at Ivy Tech’s Warsaw campus.

Like many other teens, Daniel’s priorities include excelling in school, participating in extracurriculars and spending time with friends. The 16-year-old does all of that, but he also has made his future career a priority. Interested in computer programming, robotics and mechanical engineering, Daniel already has set his sights on a career in the manufacturing field. And it’s Ivy Tech that is helping him accomplish that goal. Continue reading

I Define Success: Rochelle Brown

Rochelle Brown.png“…I needed a college that was affordable, flexible, and close to home…”

At the age of 5, Rochelle was sent to live with extended family in the Michiana area. It was different, and a long way from her home in Denver, Colorado. Michiana had no mountains, and the winters were bone-chillingly cold—nothing like a Colorado winter. But, Rochelle eventually adjusted to her new life, making the best of it until she had to leave home again as a high school senior. This time, after just turning 18 years old, it was Rochelle’s responsibility to find a place to live. She was 18, out on her own, and still in high school. Continue reading

I Define Success: Steve Stout

Not only was Steve able to earn his degrSteve Stout.pngee in human services, become the president of Collegiate Veterans Association, and serve as a veteran in the Marine Corps. He helped found and name the Bear Necessities Food Pantry.

This Ivy Tech graduate was able to do it all.

Having a history of homelessness and addictions pushed Steve to help make a difference in others’ lives. In May 2015, Steve was certified in substance abuse counseling. Stout has always focused on working with those who are homeless and people who are hungry. “I can help homeless people get off the street, but if they are still in the addiction, they will go back to the street. I want to help them overcome their addictions.” Continue reading

I Define Success: Nick Sufana

Nick Sufana.png“…Ivy Tech made it possible for me to afford school…”

Crack! Nick Sufana hit the ball straight up the middle towards the pitching mound where his dad stood. It was the last night of summer before Nick’s freshman year in high school and it was getting dark. Nick, his dad, and his three brothers had gone out to the baseball field near their home to practice batting. A storm was rolling in, and it quickly became too dark to see. Nick’s dad suffered a detached retina and fractured orbital bone when the ball made direct content with his eye. The injuries caused him to undergo a dozen surgeries, incur several thousands of dollars in medical bills, and permanently lose part of his vision. Continue reading

I Define Success: Satya Sunkavalli

Satya Sunkavalli.pngReaching New Heights – student trades computers for airplanes to embrace personal passion

Despite schooling, internships, and teaching opportunities to enter the computer science field, Satya Sunkavalli ultimately determined the path she had been following wasn’t the right one to achieve the career heights she truly desired.

Those heights are routinely 20,000 feet or more off the ground. Continue reading

I Define Success: Alexandra Banuelos

Alexandra Banuelos.pngAlexandra always knew that she was interested in the field of business. She decided to take dual credit courses so that she could earn both high school credit and college credit towards her business major. “I knew it would help me get through college quicker and save me a lot of money.” She enrolled in business marketing as well as business financing.

Prior to enrolling at Ivy Tech, Alexandra knew that she wanted to stay home for her first two years of college. Ivy Tech helped her to get a feel of college before she chose a university to attend.

“I felt that the dual credit classes would help me get a head start in college. My credits would transfer easily.”

During her time at Ivy Tech, Alexandra was very grateful for the free tutoring services. They helped her accomplish many tasks that were holding her back. Another aspect of the college that she enjoyed was Ivy Tech’s student organizations.

Her future plans involve transferring to a four-year university in order to finish her degree in business administration. Ultimately, Alexandra’s career goal is to work in a successful marketing firm.

“My advice to dual credit students it that it is worth taking dual credit classes because you will be ahead of the game.”

I Define Success: Odessa Aytch

Odessa Aytch.png“I like to tell my story to students” Alumna’s experience with being mentored helps her pay it forward.

Challenges from parenting, transportation issues, and tight budgets can serve as barriers to college graduation, but none of them is an acceptable excuse to Odessa Aytch (pronounced like the letter H).

In fact, these examples are rites of passage from her journey through poverty, single parenting, work–school balance, and having no car. Continue reading

I Define Success: Colin Zimmer

colin-zimmer.pngAlumnus accelerates his career through Tesla Motors

A lifelong interest in fast cars and the culture that embraces them has helped Colin Zimmer shift his career into high gear.

The Ivy Tech Community College Northeast graduate is an automotive technician with Tesla Motors, the California-based automaker that designs and builds 100 percent electric cars. These cars have a driving range longer than 270 miles per charge and feature “instant torque, incredible power, and zero emissions,” according to the company’s website. Continue reading

I Define Success: Rebecca Marshall

Rebecca Marshall.pngAgriculture graduate sets sights on Anheuser-Busch farm”

Rebecca Marshall grew up around horses. Her grandfather has had them since before she was born. She grew up driving draft horses, and she interned last summer on a horse farm. When she was 8 or 9, she started showing them in 4-H, where she was a 10-year member. She still shows draft horses in county fairs and large shows.

Marshall has always known she wanted to study agriculture, so when Ivy Tech Community College Northeast began its Agriculture program in fall 2013, she signed up. She even wonders if she was the very first student to do so. Continue reading